Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Comment Thread

L.I - To comment on other people's work

Today I commented on Paul's blog about his SSR Selife. First I greeted him with an Talofa Lava. Then I tell him what I liked about his book and why I would like to read it. Then Finally I ended it with a question that he could answer.


L.I - To Learn maths skills

Today for maths I played prodigy, and for prodigy we have to solve maths equations and beat other players before we move up a level. Rigth now I am on level 21.

Dancing Mat Typing

L.I - To learn touch typing

Today for writing I did Dancing Mat Typing, for this actvity we have to go on a website called Toybox.tools.bbc.co.uk. Then we have to start from the beginning to the end. I am on stage 2, and I am on level 5.

SSR Selfie

L.I - To summerise a retell a text

Today for SSR Selfie I choose Slappyworld: I am Slappy's Evil Twin. I had to read for 5m, then I had to answer the question that the teacher ask us.

Basic Facts Challenge/Subtraction

L.I - To remember basic maths facts

Today I did another activty of basic facts challenge, I did my subtraction and I got 4m and 40s. I am getting faster at my subtraction, and I am improving a lot. Here is my Basic fact Challenge.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Fact Find

L.I - To learn about something new
Today for fact find I picked sports, and the sport I picked is netball. These are some things I didn't know about netball: Your are not allow to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds, You are not allow to run with the ball, and netball is just throwing and passing. Here is my slide of netball.



L.I - To remember basic maths facts

Today I did my prototech, and I got 51s for my 2 - 3 maths. Next time I will try and do my times tables stage. Here is my certificate of my progress.

SSR Selfie

L.I - To Summerise and retell a text

 Today I did another activty of SSR Selfie, today I picked someday Angeline because It is one of my favourtie book. Someday Angeline it about a girl that new things before she was born, for example she new the word octopus, and her parents never said octopus in front of her and they also never said octopus before.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

First Waka Landing

L.I - Early Exploration

Today for inquiry I took a photo of where the first waka landed,  To know where the waka landed you need to look at a waka pretend Kurahaupo, Kurahaupo is yellow so that mean we have to look for the colour yellow and yellow only has one place the waka landed, which is Takapaukura ( Tom Bowling Bay) Here is the photo of the waka landing spaces. Here is the link to the waka landing places


L.I - To write conversation

 Conversation uses speechmarks, and commas.

 Conversation helps people to open up with the class or someone in your family.

 Using different punctuation can catch people attention.

 Conversation is a good way to help with people speech and it helps people to speak to others more.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Marco Polo - Introduction / Fact / Websites

L.I -To create a poster on

Marco Polo Marco Polo is an Italian, Venteian Merchant explorer that explored Burma, Asia and Indian with his family. Using my group visualising helped me finish my poster. First I put in the Introduction about Marco Polo, and it doesn't need to be long. Then I added 5 facts about Marco Polo and it has to be in my own words. Lastly I added the websites about Marco polo.

Descriptive Writing

L.I - To describe using interesting language features

Today I did another activty of descriptive writing. I used interesting language features. My sentence was the furious little girl refused to go shopping with her dad. Here is my descriptive writing photo.

Monday, 23 March 2020


L.I - To comment on someone's work

Today I commented on Hectors blog about his tessalation. I first talked about what I like about his work. Lastly I asked a question, that Hector could answer back.

Fact Find / Rosa Parks

L.I - To learn about something new

 Today I did Rosa Parks for my fact find, because I think without her standing up for the right up black people, black people will still be sitting at the back of the bus right now. After picking who I want to find fact about I wrote the introduction. Then I added the fact about the famous thing. After that I added the photo and videos. Lastly I added the information sources. Here is my Fact find about Rosa Parks.

Basic Facts Challenge

L.I - To remember basic maths facts

 Today I did another activty for basic maths challenge, I got 4m 22s for my addtion, I did get faster but I need to be more faster and quicker for example 2m and 33s.

Fact Find / Dwayne Johnson

L.I - To learn about something new

Today I picked the Rock Johnson for my fact find. I first did my intoduction, then I add in the facts. After that I added the picture and video of the Rock Johnson. Lastly I added the information soureces.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Excellecne / Silver Badge

Today I got an Excellence silver badge for finishing my visualising map for this week. 

SSR Selfie

L.I - To summerise and retell a Text

Today for SSR Selfie I read a book called Diary of a wimpy kid: The long Haul, I read it for 15 minuts then I answer the questions, one of the question were who was the main character? Here is a slide of my SSR selfie.


L.I - To comment on other people's blogs

Today I comment on Kahu's blog about his SSR Selfie. I told kahu what I like about his book. Lastly I asked him a question.

Role Model

Today for kiwican we talked about role models

We first played hammer to practise our listening skills.

Then we talked a little bit about role model. After talking about role model we played knots and crosses, knots and crosses is a game to practise being a role model, and trusting yourself.

Kiwican is a good way to practise being a good role model, and to practise listening skills.


Visualising is drawing an image map, mindmap, or infographic about text that is difficult to understand.

 To visualise a difficult sentence, break it up into parts and then draw each part.

 If there are any word that are unkown they should be looked up in the dictionary. Children dictionaries are best suited for learners. Visualising is a good way to easily understand difficult texts.

 L.I - To learn how to  visualise

Thursday, 19 March 2020

3D Shapes

L.I - To create a room with 3D shapes

Today I finished my artwork of 3D shapes. All I did was draw a 3D shapes and then I draw a wall, after that I draw the floor.

Complex Sentences

L.I - To write meaningful and interesting complex sentences

Today for writing I did an activty called complex sentences. Complex sentences used AAAWWUBBIS.  Here is my complex sentecne practise slide.

First Waka

Originally there were no people in New Zealand. The first people to settle in New Zealand came in a series of waka.

The first ten waka were named Kurahaupo, Takitimu, Mataatua, Tainui, Te Arawa.

Most of the waka visited the North Island. Some of the places the waka landed at were Tapakura, Te Awanui, Takou Bay, Whangaparaoa.

The ten waka came to New Zealand to discover new lands for people to live.

L.I - To learn early exploration

Waka names
Destinations in NZ
Extra notes
Takapau Kura
Kurahaupo sailed all the way to takapau kura
In maori tradition kurahaupo waka settled in Muriwhenua throughout the pacific 
Te Awanui
Tauranga Moana
Waiapu River
Mahia Peninsula
Te Wairoa
Mohaka River
Te Waewae bay
The user of the Takitimu waka stopped at the Rata Forest.
Takitimu is a waka that was with the whakapapa  throughout the pacific.
Takou Bay
By using the Mataatua waka, 2 visitors sailed to Hinaki Pakau O Te Rupe. 

 tamaki River,
 Te Haukapua, Whangaparaoa, Manukau Harbour, 
Te Ahurei,

The Tainu waka   stopped at many different Pasific Islands, and then it eventually stopped in  New Zealand.

Te Arawa
The Te Arawa waka came from Hawaiki 
Te Arawa was one of the greatest voyaging waka.
Kaipara Harbour
Hawaiki -iti (Aotea Harbour)
The user of the Aotea waka stopped at Rangitahua.
Aotea was a double canoe that was built by Toto
Tongaporutu River

The Horouta waka travelled to Ohiwa in the Bay of Plenty. It also landed in Muriwai.


Shag Point
The waka stopped at Hokianga Harbour. 

Monday, 16 March 2020

Basic Facts Boxes

L.I - To learn you addtion and subtraction.

Today I did another activty of basic facts boxes. This time I did my subtraction and I got 5m 16s, I got a little bit slower than last time. So I need to be a little bit faster.

Friday, 13 March 2020


L.I - To comment on other peoples work on their blog

Today I commented on O'ninesha's blog and I liked how she tryed on her basic fact boxes acitvty, and she got 14m.

Skimming and Scanning Questions

L.I - To learn how to use skimming and scanning questions
Today I did an activty called skimming and scanning sentcnes. For this activty we had to look at a book called Brigth fine Gold and we had to find answers using that book.

Place Values

L.I - To subtract and add.
Today for maths we did an activty call place values. For this activty we had to subtract and add, and if your adding it will be going to the left but if your not then it is going to the right.

SSR Selfie

L.I - To summerise SSR Selfie

Today for SSR Selfie I did Ella's kitchen : The CookBook I wrote the book's title and the author, and  I also added the illustrator.


Kiwican was about listening.

We played 'bop the cones' to practise listening for instructions.

We also played 'Chinese whispers' to practise listening and hearing informtion.

I thought Chinese whispers was a good way to practise our listening skills.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Kwisport / Rippa Rugby

L.I - To Learn the basic skills of rippa rugby

Today we went for our 3th session of rippa rugby, this time our coach was MJ and Glory. Our first activty was learning how to past and catch the ball.

Then we played our second activty, for this activty we had to get in our team of black and red tag Then we learned how tab the ball and throw. The red team unfortunately won but I still had fun.

Early New Zealand Exploration

Kupe and cook are 2 important explorers in New Zealand history.

Kupe discovered New Zealand around the 1100's,  Kupe came to New Zealand to find a new life, and to find land for his people, Kupe followed a giant octopus in a traditional methods on a tradition sail boat .

Captain James Cook came to New Zealand on the 6th of october 1769. He came to New Zealand to mapped Aoteoroa. He came in a Endevour. An Endevour is a large ship that is weaponise with cannons.

Kupe is important because he was the first documental person in New Zealand . Cook is important because he mapped New Zealand and opened it up to the world.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Compound Sentences

L.I - To write meaningful and interesting compund sentences.

For writing this week we had to learn how to use conjunctions. We wrote simple sentences using conjuntions. Here is  my work about compound sentences.

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Basic Facts Challenge/ Addition

Today I did another activty of basic facts challenge, I did my addtion again and this time I got faster. My score was 4m 28s 35. But I still need to be faster.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Number Line

Today we did an activty and for this activty we solved a maths problem using these maths equation 123 + 18,  228 – 19, 91 – 29,  596 – 89, 312 – 9, 991 + 88.

L.I - To solve subtraction and additon math equation using tidy number

SSR Selfie

L.I - To summerise our SSR selfie

Today I did another SSR selfie activty this time I did Tom Gates - Everything I wanted. I first put in the title then I write who is the  illustrator and author. After that I wrote the main topic, and then I listed 3 main topics. After that I wrote down the most interesting thing I learnt. Then I list new words

Kiwisport / Rippa Rugby

Yesterday we went to our second session of kiwisport. We still had the same coach Andrew and Justice. First we practised our passing and catching skills with a rugby ball, and this time I didn't drop the ball like last week.

Then we went on to playing rippa rugby and it was between boy and girls. The girls did good because we were working as a team and passing the ball to people who didn't have a turn. So it was fair and square. After a long day of running it was time to go back to school.

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence is one idea. An idea is one action performed  by one actor.

A simple sentence can be made by following steps that consider the actor, action, and description .

Simple sentences have one idea but don't need to be short.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Basic Facts Challenge.

L.I - To Practise your Addition and Subtraction using a timer.

Today I did my basic facts challenge, but this time I did my subtraction and I got 5m and 52s 72. I also got all my questions right. I need to work on getting faster on my subtraction. Here is a photo of my subtraction.


L.I - To comment on other people's work.

Today I commented on Akifa's blog post about her house potrait. I like her house potrait because it was intersting and creative. I also asked her a question like What type of picture do you like drawing on google draw.

Explorer and Adventurer

Explorers and adventurers are people who travel and discover new things.

Explorers are poeple who travel to find new things and record them for the country such as David Livingstone, Sir Peter Blake and William Adams.

Adventurers are people who travel to takr part in something for themseleves such as Sir Edmund Hilary, Moana, Ferdinand Magellan, and Amelia Earhart

 Explorers and Adventurers need to have or show many different attitude and attribute such as Knowledgeable because explorers and adventurers need to know lots of stuff like if you can make it up the tallest mountain in the world

Both explorer and adventurer travel to new places and need similer qualities although their goals are different.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Legal and Illegal Images

A legal image is an image that can be used with permissiom by law.

Image creators give legal permission to used their images by adding and sharing license. 

It is important to use legal images to help creators, and so users don't get in trouble.

When using imges make sure to give credit to the creator.

L.I - To understand what legal and illegal images are.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020


Keywords are words that help to research  specific information about a chosen topic. They can also give appropriate information to young learners.

Keywords are for narrowing down the information gained by an internet search.

Keywords can be used to find information that is understandable and readable by children.

Keywords are useful tools that should be used in every search.

L.I - To identify keywords to search for information about Marco Polo.